Plautdietsch word of the day: aufschmaunta

Plautdietsch word of the day: aufschmaunta

Definition: Cream separator

Eene maschien toom schmaunt vonne malkj deelen; schliesa; jereetschoft toom malkj derchdreien

Exerpt from J. Driedger "Growing up in Blumenheim": After Mother and Father had milked the cows, I cranked the cream separator. It took a little while until I mastered the skill of turning the separator at just the right speed. Turn the crank too fast: the cream was too thick; turn it too slowly: the cream was too thin. Although I did not relish this job, I enjoyed watching the cats as they lapped the warm foam Mother scooped off the top of the skim milk that came out of the separator

"Wan Voda un Mutta de Kjieej jemolkjen hauden, must ekj de Aufschmauntawrang dreien. Ekj must dan lieren, daut eena de Wrang nich too stoakj uk nich too langsom dreid. Dreid eena too stoakj, dan wia de Schmaunt too dikj. Dreid eena too langsom, dan wia de Schmaunt too denn. Eensje Aufschmauntasch hauden een Kjlinja. Wan eena dän Aufschmaunta stoakj jenuach dreid, kjlinjad de Kjlinja. Wan eena too stoakj ooda too langsom dreid, hieed de Kjlinja opp met kjlinjren. Wan mie dise Oabeit uk nich sea intressieed, mie intressieed daut emma, soo aus de Kauten dän woamen Schum opplekjten waut Mutta von de derchjedreide Malkj aufjeschapt haud".

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