
Batter up! Mennonites and Baseball

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Tweibach: The Iconic Bread of the Mennonites

Recently, we were inspired to write an article about the grain millers son Cornelius F. Toews. The inspiration came from some of the “Toews Bakery family" in Steinbach and after having received a copy of the Johan F. Toews autobiography. William (Bill) Toews working in the home bakery, Steinbach. It’s been said that tweibach and bread speak to the heart of the Mennonite culture. So I thought it might be fitting to start with an article about the funny looking “bun” that is so well known. Tweibach are of course part of a bigger faspa tradition - but let’s stick...
Penner refit of Mount Rushmore

Although I'm somewhat biased because I think there's a lot of great Penners out there (my opinion, just saying) but I think Mount Rusmore could use a more modern refit. What do you think? Click on the image below to see more fun "Penner humor" items! Plautdietsch word of the day: jebiss Pronounced: yi-biss What is sounds like: a type of natural lip moisturizer Example: Leina and Hein always enjoyed moments to become "lovey dovey". But Leina was a bit grossed out when Hein would take out his teeth and try to be romantic. This of course provides Hein with...