The Menno-delphia Worscht and Cheese Sandwich!

Oba Yo Test Kitchen

Introducing, from Menno-delphia,.. the city of brotherly love…

The Menno-delphia Worscht and Cheese Sandwich!

The Thrifty Menno offers you this new recipe that you can make at home and save money!

Fry some of your favorite worscht and cut into rounds. Layer the worscht on a buttered tweibach and top with fried sweet peppers, siplen and New Bothwell Cheese curds. Melt the cheese under a broiler and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese. Oba Leina hold me back! ,.. it’s so good!! Cost per serving only $1.75 (not including John Deere)   Brought to you by The Thrifty Menno.   Make it at home and save money!



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  • Anonymous on

    This brought back a memory of when I was in Grade 1 in the late 50s and Mom had packed a Worscht (pronounced “Varscht”) sandwich for my school lunch. I was determined that now that I was in school, I was going to speak English only. I hadn’t eaten the sandwich at lunchtime, so I pulled it out on our mile & a half walk home with neighbour schoolmates. Just then, I realized I had no English word for it, so I hoped like crazy that no one would ask me what was in my sandwich. But of course, Betty Neufeld, the curious one, asked me the dreaded question, “What are you eating?”. I quickly tried to anglicize my response and came up with “worsh sandwich”. They all laughed and I felt a little silly. 😉
    BTW, I did shed plautdietsch almost successfully, and now I regret it. So I truly appreciate what you’re doing at The Menno Tribune! Thank you so much!

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